WHITE ROSE HEALING ARTS with Kimberley Ingram Castillo

Offering holistic wellness and energy alternatives to balance mind, body, spirit, pets, property and home. Services available long distance, remote and in-person by appointment.

Are you ready to step into peace, harmony and balance?


All services offered work with the energy and wisdom of the body. Only that which you are ready to receive or release will manifest. Without judgement Kimberley will work on anything you feel called to balance. Some of the things that can be addressed include acute and chronic medical conditions, relationship healing of any kind, grief and transformation balancing, performance anxiety, deep trauma release, karmic and ancestral clearings, physical mental emotional balances, kinesiology testing, hydration, increasing levels of consciousness and more.

  • Most popular! Kimberley will read your energy and determine the healing modality best suited for the energy balance. This is highly tailored and specific to your individual energy needs. Includes work from any and all of the other services offered and any additional modalities that come up. Can include muscle testing for specific questions, a simple energy clearing or working on more complex conditions and patterns.

    Pricing: starting at $35 for a simple clearing or question. (average session $150 for a full balance)

  • Great for balancing relationships, clearing food and enviromental allergies, pathogen and chemical exposure, inflammation in the body, emotional and spiritual traumas. Works for both chronic and acute conditions.

    Developed by Kimberlie Carlson. This is a very detailed balance personalized specific to your energy. Any resistance in the body is considered an allergy and can develop in relation to our own body, food, other people, your job, etc.

    How it works - from your intake form or a short phone call chose 1-3 issues to work on. Kimberley will then work offline to formulate the healing using extensive scan lists and allergy kits for identifying the imbalances and running the correction. This can take 1-2 hours time. You will then be given a report of what came up and a recording of the healing so you can repeat as necessary. Often once is enough! More chronic issues or infections benefit from repeat listenings. Kimberley will test the frequency for you.

    Pricing: $150 - $225

  • This is a very effective method to balance any condition using only the consciousness and neurological system of your body. Developed by Alan Sales, Cyberkinetics uses specific hand mudras and energy kinesiology techniques to read the body, gather what is needed to be harmonized and what correction is optimal for balance. This works on an energetic level and specific information does not need to be obtained. Having specific goals or intentions will direct the energy to your desired outcome. The issue does not need to be verbalized or known to receive the healing. You may gain insights, realizations, emotional balance and calmness from the balance. Works fast and efficiently. Included is a hydration and chakra grounding balance.

    This balance is good for nonverbal clients (pets, children, infirm). The balance takes place without the need to communicate what is being worked on.

    Pricing: $75 - $150

  • This is a gentle non-invasive treatment for health and balance in the body. Where there are energy blocks in the body due to injury, emotion or attitude disharmony develops and dis-ease symptoms can result. With the application of acupressure flows to the body the blocks can resolve and harmony and self healing is restored. Restoring this life force energy releases tension, relaxes mind and body increasing harmony and balance. Beneficial for body, mind and spirit.

    Advanced Acupressure includes methods from Jin Shin Jyutsu and many other teachings received over the past 20 years. Small disharmonies of an acute nature may resolve in one treatment. Larger, longer term disharmonies do best with regular attention and repeat sessions. Treatments may be scheduled up to twice daily for several days in a row or regularly for maintenance until your body can hold and accept the new pattern. This can be performed remotely as well as in-person.

    Pricing: $125 for one session

    ($100 per session for booking 3 or more concurrently)

  • Any of the above healing modalities that work for people can be applied to pets! The balances work to discover and align areas of disharmony finding underlying causes and testing for the correction and resolution.

    Helps with animal anxiety, phobias, behavioral issues, end of life care, skin issues, food sensitivities, health and happiness. Pets respond very efficiently to energy work and usually easily accept the energy. Balances are done remotely or long distance with the owner.

    Pricing: $60 - $125

  • Space Clearing? Ghost Busting? You have come to the right place! When’s the last time you cleaned your house? Just like we clean our physical houses our energetic spaces need cleansing as well.

    Working with the energies of the space, Kimberley will clear stagnant energy and disharmony from past and current occupants, traumas, relationships and Earth events. This restores peace, balance, protection and neutrality to the space.

    Performed for land, homes, work places, new residences, historical properties, homes for sale, business meetings or after changes in households.

    These balances are done remotely with your description of property and addresses.

    Pricing: starting at $50 and depending on the scope of the balance


Kimberley is a pharmacist, massage therapist and multidimensional energy healer based in Norman, Oklahoma. From a young age she became aware of the bodies natural ability to heal and to be influenced by words, emotions, attitudes and environment. Experiencing profound healing after suffering a head injury and the improvement of releasing of her scoliosis pattern in her 20’s she began earnestly studying and researching alternative treatments. In the mid 90’s she became certified as a Reiki healer and Neurokinesiologist. Later in the mid 2000’s thru to the current day she has studied and trained with many Master Healers learning different Kinesiology modalities, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Shamanic practices and Energetic Allergy Healing. Kimberley worked as a pharmacist for 30 years and has found a combination of both Eastern and Western medicine is beneficial for the whole person - mind, body and spirit.

Kimberley is a calm, happy spirit with an intelligent and creative mind. Using her skills and awareness she will partner with you on your health and wellness journey. She has a strong interest in researching and developing customized energy healing solutions. She is dedicated to offering alternative holistic wellness balances with kindness, compassion and efficiency.

Contact Us

Please message for scheduling your appointment. Office hours are Tuesday thru Friday 10am to 5pm CT. Weekends, Mondays and earlier/later times available by request. Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.

For more urgent requests please text at (303) 817-1305

New Clients - to learn more about the work a complimentary 15 minute consultation is available to determine if this is right for you.

Payment due at time of service.